
Congrats! You’ve signed up for access to Wavlake and now have an embedded Lightning account to use on the platform for boosting the music and supporting artists you enjoy.

Let’s add some satoshis, or sats, which are a small unit of bitcoin (equivalent to 0.00000001 bitcoin).

Click on “Account”. This will always display your current balance.

You’ll see transaction history, an option to add funds and an option to withdraw for self-custody.

You can use this link to determine the current amount of sats exchanged for USD. At the time of this documentation in Feb 2023 it is just under 5000 sats per $1.

We will add about $5 worth of sats in this example. On Wavlake, got to the "Fund" tab in your Account section. Type in the desired amount of sats and press pink “Fund” icon below desired amount.

A QR code will appear along with a lightning address containing this specific amount.

You could scan this from a variety of lightning enabled bitcoin apps on your phone or can copy address text if you choose to manually send.

In this example, the sats will be sent from the Alby lightning wallet.

Click on Get Alby extension icon in your browser. Select “Send” . Then select “Copy” on the Wavlake invoice.

Paste this into “Recipient” field and press “Continue”.

You will see a confirmation screen to verify amount is correct. Press “Pay now”

Alby extension should show “Success”, Press “Close”.

Wavlake page should display “Funding successful”, press “OK”

Account balance on Wavlake is now updated and you’ll see an entry in the transaction history:

Also updated in your quick view:

An additional setting under “Preferences” allows you to set the default amount of sats sent when simply pressing “boost” on a track and not leaving a message. Minimum option is 10 sats.

You are all set – go enjoy the music and boost some artists if you choose.

Special thanks to tonewrecker for contributing this guide.

Last updated